Before delving into data vis, I studied print design for six years. Here are some of my older works that are still data vis related, and newer ones I've created for newsrooms or my blog. Heck, there's even one (!) interactive graphic in here.

September 2021
on Datawrapper ↗
Which German party is the most unlucky when it comes to election dates?
Which party sees the most polls in their favor, just to then get a mediocre vote share at the election itself?

August 2021
for Datawrapper
Datawrapper visualizations I created in 2021
Movie budgets, senator ages, climate change, and more life expectancy: What I visualized for Datawrapper in 2021.

December 2020
for Datawrapper
Datawrapper visualizations I created in 2020
2020 was packed with corona charts. Besides that: US elections, university degrees, public holidays, and lots of tooltip charts.

January 2020
for Datawrapper ↗
Datawrapper workshop materials
Training slides & exercises I prepared for others to teach Datawrapper.

December 2019
for Datawrapper
Datawrapper visualizations I created in 2019
Greenland ice, life expectancy, EU elections, subway stations: What I visualized for Datawrapper in 2019.

December 2018
for Datawrapper
Datawrapper visualizations I created in 2018
In November 2017, I started to blog for Datawrapper and to create charts, maps & tables with the tool.

April 2017
sin(x), cos(x)
Generating charts in R based on trigonometric functions like sin(x) and cos(x). Lots of fun.

February 2017
on Twitter ↗
Study Know Act, a Twitterbot
You got to believe in something. Tweeting mottos from universities, military, nations, states, cities, brands.

November 2016
The US Election 2016 in Popular Votes
The US election results 2016 in popular votes. Featuring my favorite chart type, the Marimekko chart.

June 2016
Which Cities Are On Similar Latitudes?
A simple visualization that removes data to let us see more.

April 2016
My Google Location History
What Google knows about in which cities I lived, based on my Google searches.

January 2016
Back then, everything was worse.
Illustrating a weekly graphic for a column in the German magazine DER SPIEGEL.

June 2015
My Google Search History – visualized
I visualized the 40,000 search queries I asked Google between June 2010 and April 2015.

November 2014
Unemployment Rates in Germany – The d3 Version
"That was the most complex coding experience I have ever had where I still understood what I am doing."

August 2014
Data Vis in my Master's Thesis
During my master's thesis, I redesigned three magazines in three different styles. Here are the pages that involve the best infographics.

August 2014
Documentation of my Master's Thesis
Visualizing how I work, what my design principles are and what I've learned during the process of my Master's Thesis.

October 2013
The Dotview magazine about Edward Snowden
A magazine about Edward Snowden, bringing all the voices of the web into print.

July 2013
Documentation of my internship at Bloomberg Businessweek
In spring 2013, I spent eleven wonderful weeks as an intern at the Bloomberg Businessweek in New York City.

May 2013
for Bloomberg Businessweek
American Illustration 32
Highly designed, unreadable Information design for the 32nd American Illustration Book.